Rain Worthington

Conversation Before the Rain

Year: 1977

Duration (in minutes): 7:35

Difficulty: Medium (college/community)

Category: piano

MP3 STREAM: https://soundcloud.com/rain-worthington/conversation-before-the-rain

Outside URL: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0041BYUTG?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_iNYSFeubblSxUZVWM4d36Quv7&trackAsin=B0041BRVQA

Video Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyABag40Cto

Purchase score URL: https://rainworthington.com/product/conversation-before-the-rain-for-piano-digital-score/

Description: Performed and recorded in a very early concert of my solo piano music at Charlemagne Palestine’s loft in NYC. It was released on “If Only Knowing" album.

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