Joelle Wallach


Year: 1973

Duration (in minutes): 9'39;

Difficulty: Medium (college/community)

Category: mixed instrument trio, solo voice(s) with solo instruments

Instruments: alto, any female voice, any high voice, any low voice, any male voice, any medium voice, any voice, baritone voice, bass voice, contrabass, soprano, tenor voice

Publisher: Joelle Wallach

Publisher website:

Outside URL:

Score PDF: Cords.pdf

Purchase score URL:

Description: Composed in the early 1970’s for contrabass virtuoso Bert Turetzky, as a paeon to the instrument and its players, Cords is a brief, hilarious duet for a brilliant bassist and an awestruck student accompanied by an adoring soprano who sings their praises and catalogues their alternate instrument names.

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