Elisenda Fábregas
Amb veu de dona: Catalan Art Songs by Women Composers
Contents: Catalan Art Songs by women composers. Among the included composers are Carlota Garriga, Elisenda Fàbregas and Anna Cazurra. The CD includes 2 new song cycles that were written for the Barcelona Festival of Song. Tiempo de Amor by Elisenda Fàbregras, with poetry of Al andalusi poets Ibn Zaydun and Wallada and Tensho by Anna Cazurra with poetry of Carles Duarte i Montserrat. It also includes a cycle of Catalan traditional songs arranged by composer Carlota Garriga.
Composers: Elisenda Fábregas
Label: Mundo Arts
Buy URL 2: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/amb-veu-de-dona-catalan-art-songs-by-women-composers/1178752470