Beth Anderson

The Truth About Love: Music and the Poetry of W. H. Auden

Year: 2002

Contents: Composers: Britten, Stravinsky, Russell Smith, Lisa De Spain, Joyce Suskind, Don Hagar, Binnette Lipper, Mozart, Don Stratton, Barber, Beth Anderson (Lullaby), John Lessard, Rorem, Henze Singers: Nancy Ogle and Francis John Vogt.

Composers: Britten, Stravinsky, Russell Smith, Lisa De Spain, Joyce Suskind, Don Hagar, Binnette Lipper, Mozart, Don Stratton, Barber, Beth Anderson (Lullaby), John Lessard, Rorem, Henze

Label: Capstone Records

Product ID: CPS-8702

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