SOLISSIMA: Françoise Vanhecke’s Seed Money Grant Fall Concert Series in Belgium
Wouter De Bruycker Fine Arts & Gallery Lange Koepoortstraat 64, 2000, Antwerp, BelgiumSOLISSIMA Françoise Vanhecke Live at the Gallery October 7th. 2023, 8PM Wouter De Bruycker Fine Arts & Gallery – ‘The Annex’ Lange Koepoortstraat 64, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium TICKETS The theme of her program is a reflection of our zeitgeist. Themes such as the life of today's woman in this world of trial and error, war […]
Sergio Puccini’s Seed Money Grant Concert in Rosario, Argentina
Museo de Bellas Artes Juan Castagnino Av. Pellegrini 2202, S2000QDN, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina2022 Seed Money Grant Recipient Sergio Puccini Performing works by New York Women Composers October 21, 2023 at 6PM Museo de Bellas Artes Juan Castagnino Av. Pellegrini 2202, S2000QDN Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina Sergio Puccini, guitar, has chosen the following works for his Seed Money Grant concert: Parterre by Nailah Nombeko Processional by Faye-Ellen Silverman […]
An October Intermezzo – Celebrating the Future of New York Women Composers on October 22, 2023!
The Opera Center 330 7th Avenue, New York, NY, United StatesJoin us for An October Intermezzo: New York Women Composers 2023 Gala! This exciting event celebrates the incredible talent and creativity of women composers in New York. The gala will take place on Sunday, October 22, 2023, at 330 7th Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001. It's going to be an evening filled with […]
Donna Weng Friedman’s Seed Money Grant Concert at the Barge on Sunday, November 12, 2023
Bargemusic Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, United StatesHere and Now Series: FIVE COMPOSERS AND A PIANIST featuring 2022 Seed Money Grant Recipient Donna Weng Friedman, pianist, performing music by de Kenessey, Sherman, Moon, Nourbakhsh, and Mandel. Donna Weng Friedman has chosen to perform the following works: Beata Moon’s Prelude Kim D. Sherman’s Quiet Poems (a set of 3 poems to nature) and Four Moods Julie Mandel’s […]